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Wirt Valve Technologies Corp. - Gate Valves, Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves, Control Valves, Actuators

WIRT has been providing engineering valves to the oil and gas industry for over 30 years. In fact, WIRT's valves are installed in almost all of the North America's oil & gas fields. Product line is from gate, ball, check, butterfly, to control valves.

WIRT has supplied globe, gate and control valves in size 1/2" - 60" and in high tempertature/high pressure class up to 1100℉/4500psi topowerstations around the world. 

Our extensive range of gate, globe, ball, check and control valves are installed in a broad range of the refinery industry's toughtest applictions.


WIRT's valves with sophisticated materials such as titanium, monel and hastelloy in globe, gate, ball and triple-offset butterfly valves are supplied for corrosive acids, sulphuric acid, aromatic anhydride, ethylene dichloride and others in chemical industry.


WIRT's butterfly and gate valves are ideally suited for long service life in abrasive and corrosive applications in the water and wastewater treatment industries.

WIRT supplies the most technically advanced cryogenic valve line including globe, gate, check, ball, double & triple-offset valves for LNG, oil, liquefied gases. WIRT also supplies valves for extreme low temperatue of -150.